Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Connect to recieve job listings

Hi all,

Make sure you keep up to date with all the new vacancies this week by connecting with our Twitter, Facebook and Linked in pages, we upload all new positions as soon as they come in.

Have a great week


Friday, 16 September 2011

Spitfire Recruitment Ltd: In the begining ........

Spitfire Recruitment Ltd: In the begining ........: Spitfire was born of a necessity to improve the perception of what a recruitment agency should be, to bring an agency in line with the requi...
Spitfire Recruitment is now up and blogging! We'll keep you up to date with employment news, as well as offering tips on career planning, job seeking, interviews and CV's. Also watch this space for general notifications regarding our Recruitment Agency.
Recruitment solutions for Business Professionals, Field Sales, Marketing, Advertising and FMCG. Please check out our website for info on our career academy or CV writing skills.