CN Creative, the makers of the brand Intellicig are amidst a search for an agency to help take their product further. The brief will be entrusted to an agency that understands the unique position of the brand. CN Creative are the top sellers in the electronic cigarette arena and are keen that their marketing and publicity is handled correctly. The UK government leans towards support for the devices and is looking to "nudge" on social impact. This is headed by The Cabinet's behavioural insight team and involves the agenda pushing on society of new practises that are beneficial once adopted. Nudging has previously occurred with encouraging people to fill up with unleaded petrol instead of leaded and also the use of seat belts. Usually " social norms" result from nudging in time; when sucessful.
"Now the unit wants to explore and encourage new products that deliver nicotine to people's lungs but without the harmful toxins and carcinogens in tobacco smoke that kill."
'The annual report reads:It will be important to get the regulatory framework for these products right, to encourage new products. A canon of behaviour change is that it is much easier to substitute a similar behaviour than to extinguish an entrenched habit (an example was the rapid switch from leaded to unleaded fuel). If alternative and safe nicotine products can be developed which are attractive enough to substitute people away from traditional cigarettes, they could have the potential to save 10,000s of lives a year."
Strong support comes for the notion that smokers who will not give up, may inhale the smoke free vapour cigarettes and get their nicotine hit without the poisonous chemicals in a traditional cigarette. This in turn, it is suggested, will save tens of thousands of lives and cut NHS spending on cigarette related health issues. The Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency has become involved in how to approve the devices in the UK, which are banned in many countries, including Canada and Australia. Countries such as Singapore, Brazil and Thailand have not legalised their use so far as there is still debate over their safety.
This is potentially big business and the UK is at the forefront of developments which may influence other countries. CN Creative are keen to ensure Intellicig is regulated and approved for use. The tension lies between whether the product is medical or simply a smoking device. Any product that makes a health claim involves strict regulations and so moving away from this would be sensible. Yet a balance must be found to assure consumers. The agency that is awarded this challenge will aim to lobby for approval and get this product on the shelves alongside tobacco products at a reasonable price. Widespread use amongst dedicated smokers is predicted to have many benefits.
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