Sunday, 15 April 2012

Direct Marketing Trends 2012 on Facebook

Direct marketing is constantly evolving in order to seek out and target the potential customer. The Direct Marketing Association posted an online catalogue of forecast predictions for 2012. The post by the Social Media Council was particularly interesting. So what did guest speaker Roger Warner, Content in Motion Managing Director have to say?

Firstly and importantly he mentioned the efficiency of measuring return on investment of using social media tools. As a system of calculation ROI is misleading; social media should not be judged as an autonomous tool, by as integrated into an overall campaign. Warner hinted that marketing budgets will have provisions for researching a more suitable method of analysis.

Warner explains that forecasts for social media in a recovering economy is particularly tricky; given that its ascension began in the recession. However he does predict that apps and platforms will continue to increase to gain momentum in their quest for direct marketing domination. Apps, and particularly mobile apps he says, will need to be considered passed their covenience factor. Facebook was given a particular mention. As user experience rapidly changes it will become increasingly difficult for brands to remain “relevant, to stay front and centre” on the Facebook timeline:

In order to gain ‘earned media’ campaigns will need to be at their best. Inclusion and discussion of brands and campaigns on social spaces will require a highly considered approach and an acknowledgement the changing trends. As a result advertising will need to step up its game. If you refer to the 'learn more about apps video' at the bottom of the timeline 'about' page you will see that Facebook apps are advertised as, "Your apps. Now with friends". The ability to share what you're listening to, brands you're using, what you're cooking or eating, where you are, what you're watching, newspaper articles you've read, personal plans and much more through apps marks a significant change in Facebook.

The Guardian app for example allows access to articles through Facebook. Each article visibly clocks up the number of readers through Facebook and posts the article onto the readers timeline. As Warner identifies, this will make the competition of mention fierce amongst users, even between friends.

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